Australia 2005: Long wait in Vancouver

Friday, January 07, 2005

Long wait in Vancouver

Continuing on with the Vancouver story.

Around 1:30 Singapore Airlines issued us with a $10 lunch voucher. This told us that we were in for a longer wait. Had lunch and were sitting around talking to other passengers. We were all glad they found the problem and were fixing it before we were in the air.

At 3: 30 They anounce that we would be staying overnight and we would be bussed to a hotel. The problem was central fuel system hydraulics and would take 16 hrs to fix. They moved us all by bus to the Richmond Inn. This was a nice hotel. They gave us voucher for dinner and breakfast and told us they would pick us up at 6:15am.

Next morning we boarded the bus and went back to airport. We did not have our baggage so security was quick. They had more food at the departure lounge, donuts, muffins, coffee, juice etc. We boarded at 8am and departed around 8:30. They worked everything out with the people that had missed connections. There was no bitching and everyone took it in stride. They also gave us a box of chocolates. Which ended up causing us a little problem later on.

The flight was long but had lots of food, drink, entertainment to pass the time. Read a book and watch 4 movies. We had a brief one hour stop in Seoul and on to Singapore.

Arrived in Singapore at 6:30 pm and got our luggage and cleared customs. I check the golf clubs at the baggage counter there. The cost this year is 8 Singapore dollars. Which is about $5 Canadian. The banks at the airport were giving us $1.32 Singapore for each Canadian dollar. The hotel was giving $1.25.

Bus to the hotel took about 30 minutes. We stayed at the peninsular where most of you are going to stay. Nice lobby and pool where you can enjoy a cold one after a day of sightseeing and shopping. Excellent location. Hotel appears to be renovating the rooms. We got an older room that was very comfortable but dated.

We decided to stay with the flight that we had planned on so gave up a day in Singapore. Singapore airlines said they would refund the one night stay.

Flight to Brisbane was excellent. Slept most of the way and saw one movie. Service on Singapore was excellent all the way but this was even better.

On the way over we were in row 32 which is one back of bulkhead. We had 5 children in front of us but they were very good. However we decided that since they had more leg room in the bulk head row they took it from us one row back. On the way to Brisbane we had row 63 which was second from the back. Large amount of leg room. We also had middle section which had 3 seats. No one in the third seat so Beth and I had lots of room. Also you got service from both sides and the galley was right behind us. We are going to ask for back row seat from now on.

Remember Australia does not allow food to be brought into the country. Lots of signs and anoucnements to declare all food. Two years ago we declared candy but were told it was ok to bring in and they let us keep it. Remember the chocolates I mentioned earlier. Well we did not think about them either. When you leave customs they scan all your bags. They asked us to go to agent where we got the third degree, did we pack the stuff, did we read our customs card, did we sign it etc, etc. Anyway he finally pulled out the chocolates and asked me to read item 6 on card which says no food, fruit etc. I said did he consider lollies as breaking this rule. He said no but we should have declared them as they did not know from the scan what it was. Anyway he sent us on the way after his little scare. So declare all items of food or throw them away.

In the Singapore departure lounge there are immigration and custom forms on the table. Make sure you pick them up and fill them out on the plane. If you miss them there are more at the other end.

Brisbane had rain when we arrived but the next day it cleared with a high of 27. We had jet lag so did not do much other than buy groceries.

Today had breakfast on the balcony and watched the joggers, bikers, and walkers go by. The beach is right across the road and we can see some surfers doing their thing. Makes the flight well worth while.

Good news is petrol is 80.4 cents a litter. And if you purchase your groceries at Woolies or Coles you will get a coupon giving you 4 cents a litter off you next petrol purchase.


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