Australia 2005: Dec 2004

Monday, December 27, 2004

Dec 2004

One week to go before we begin our annual golf trip to Australia. This year we have 38 golfers going to the Gold Coast of Australia.

There have been a few last minutes questions from our golfers.

What about doctors and medical facilities?
There are doctors in Kingscliff and surrounding areas? It will cost you $50 to visit them. If you need xrays or lab testing you will be referred. Xrays last year were $78. When you arrive home you can send in your receipts to the provincial health care. Anything the province does not pay you can claim from your private health care.

Do we need medical shots?
Please check with your provincial health care system. Right now there are nothing you have to take but maybe some of the others are not up to date.

Do we need a visa?
Yes, for Australia you will need a 3 months visa. We do the visa for you.

Can we pre book our seats?
Yes you can 48 hours in advance for Singapore Airlines. Please go their web site at

In Australia you need to take precaution when crossing the streets. Drivers do not give way and they come from the opposite direction. You have to look to the right before you cross.

Parking signs
in Australia are posted as 1P, 2P, 3P etc. This means you can park for 1,2 and 3 hrs. Parking is not free. You have to go to the ticket machine and put in your money and then put the ticket on the car's dash.