Australia 2005: Leaving Tomorrow

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Leaving Tomorrow

With the temperature showing -22 on my thermometer I am very glad to be leaving tomorrow. The sky is blue, the ground is white and there is no wind. I guess it could be worse.

Tried Singapore Airlines site to book our seats. It did not work. So will have to check in at the departure gate in Vancouver. I wrote Singapore Airlines indicating that it did not work for me and wondered why. Seems strange that Singapore Airlines check in did not work as they do everything else so well. Might get a reply at some point in the future. Those departing from Edmonton via Vancouver you will have your bags checked all the way to Singapore. You will only need to clear customs once and that is in Singapore.

Every year we say we will take less but it seems we are always trying to eliminate things and the suite case is still full. This we have two sets of clubs in one travel bag. One large suitcase and one small backpack for checking. I will take my computer and Beth will take a carry on.

On next posting hopefully be from Singapore with updates on airport, bag check, hotels and other items we find interesting or important.


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